2024 - 2025 Back to School

Back to School Important Dates

Wednesday, August 28: Orientation Day: 9:00 AM – 11:30 AM:

8:30 AM: Coffee provided by Parent Community Association (PCA).

8:50 AM: Doors Open

9:00 AM – 9:30 AM: Presentation by Head of School Mrs. Isabelle David

9:30-11:30 AM: Classroom Visits & Extracurricular Vendors Fair

Thursday, August 29: First Day of School

Monday, September 9: Back-to-School Night: Middle School & PK-K (5:30 PM – 6:30 PM)

Tuesday, September 10: Back-to-School Night: Elementary (5:30 PM – 6:30 PM)

2024 School Hours & Drop Off & Pick Up Times

Preschool hours: 8:15 AM – 3:15 PM.

Preschool parking lot will close from 8:45 AM – 3:00 PM.

Elementary hours:

Gate Opens – 8:15 AM | Class Starts: 8:30 AM | Pick-up time: 3:15 PM-3:30 PM.

Middle School hours:

Gate Opens: 7:55 AM | Class Starts: 8:10 AM | Pick up time: 3:45 PM-4:00 PM

Drop-off and Pick-up location for ELEMENTARY & MIDDLE SCHOOL ONLY: Main Gate

Please note: Middle School pick up times are at 3:45-4:00 PM from Monday – Friday. We no longer offer 3:00 PM pick up times on Fridays.

Back to School Documents & Forms

Please make sure to carefully review the following SDFAS policies
REQUIRED FOR ALL ENROLLED STUDENTS: Please make sure to sign our 24-25 Parent-Student Handbook and AUP Acknowledgment Form Below.

Medical Forms:

IMPORTANT! If you have not already, please complete the required documents below by Thursday, August 29! Please note that it may take up to 3 business days for our staff to process the required paperwork.

To be able to administer any medication (prescription and OTC) at school or on SDFAS field trips, state and local laws require the following every school year:

Physical medication to be administered with original packaging and pharmacy label

Please email completed documents (see below) to Babeth Esterly (besterly@sdfas.org) and Marianella Vega (mvega@sdfas.org)  by Thursday, August 29.


(1) Copy of Student’s Immunizations

(2) Parent consent for Administration of Medications and Medication Chart (3) Report of medical examination for school entry 

(4) SDFAS Emergency Health Card 

(5) SDFAS Aggressive Behaviors and Biting Policy 

(6) Parent’s Guide to Immunizations (for parents to keep).


Must be on file prior to the first day as REQUIRED BY STATE LAW or child will not be allowed to attend school:

Physician’s Report and Proof of immunization/vaccines (see Guide to Immunizations for PK and K)

Contact Babeth Esterly, besterly@sdfas.org if you have questions.

Please email your completed documents to Marianella Vega (mvega@sdfas.org) by Thursday, August 29.



1st Grade: All incoming 1st grade students are required to have a medical exam prior to transitioning to the first grade. Please send forms back to mvega@sdfas.org.



7th Grade: All incoming 7th Graders are required to have a Tdap vaccination before the start of the school year. I have emailed the parents of the students needing to meet this requirement. Please send forms back to mvega@sdfas.org


Asthma Action Plans are required every year and are to be signed by your child’s physician. Inhalers should be up to date and not expired. Please send forms back to mvega@sdfas.org.


Immunization Records for New Students: Proof of immunization and vaccines must be on file by Thursday, August 29. As required by law, a child will not be allowed to attend school if these records are not on file.


Contact Marianella Vega mvega@sdfas.org if you have questions.

Health Office Updates/Reminders:

Covid Policy Change – New Respiratory Guidelines: 

This new guidance consolidates and simplifies previous recommendations intended specifically for K-12 school settings. It replaces previous guidance that was for COVID-19 and influenza in schools, is aligned with CDC’s respiratory virus guidance, and is based on scientific respiratory and stomach infections.


  • If your child has allergies, a new Allergy Action Plan is required every year and must be signed by your child’s physician. All Epi-Pens, benadryl, and antihistamines must be up to date. You should receive an email from Nurse Marianella if your child’s medication is about to expire.
  • We will be implementing red bracelets to be worn by students with allergies. These bracelets are a quick visual and reminder to staff and lunch patrons to take a pause prior to giving anything to these students. Please make sure your child returns to school everyday wearing it. Extras can be found in the health office.


  1. 2024-2025  Transportation Program & Bus Routes
  2. 2024-2025 Transportation Rules & Regulations
  3. 2024-2025 Transportation Quick Reference Guide

 The North County Bus stops in Carlsbad, Encinitas, and Carmel ValleyThe School also  offers a “Coronado Shuttle” route with morning service ONLY that picks up in Coronado and Old Town.

To register your child(ren) for 2024-2025 school transportation, please fill out the form according to your needs: 
  1. 2024-2025 SDFAS Transportation Registration Form – Carlsbad, Encinitas, and Carmel Valley.
  2. 2024-2025 SDFAS Transportation Registration Form – Coronado and Old Town.


Extended Care Registration

Opened: August 15, 2024. Click HERE to register.

  • Extended Care starts the week of September 3rd.
  • Our extended care program includes morning care, afternoon care, homework help, and independent study, offering a supportive environment for your children outside of regular school hours

Extracurricular Activities Registration

Opens: August 26, 2024

  • Extracurricular activities start on the week of September 16.
  • We are thrilled to offer a range of extracurricular activities this year, including French classes for parents on campus. Registration for these activities will open once our faculty return and finalize their schedules. 

Important Reminder: If you are planning to enroll in both extracurricular activities and extended care, please keep in mind the different registration opening dates. Consider the extracurricular schedule before completing your extended care registration

Lunch Service - GG Fresh

GG Fresh by Girard Gourmet delivers freshly made hot and cold food to the SDFAS campus. As in prior years, lunches are plated and served outdoors.

This season’s menu includes a salad bar and more student favorites.

  • Registration and Cost for Fall 2024 (August-December): Please visit the GG Fresh website HERE
  • Menu for August – September: Visit the menu page of the Girard Gourmet website. 

GG Fresh by Girard Gourmet delivers freshly made hot and cold food to the SDFAS campus. As in prior years, lunches are plated and served outdoors.

This season’s menu includes a salad bar and more student favorites.

  • Registration and Cost for Fall 2024 (August-December): Please visit the GG Fresh website HERE
  • Menu for August – September: Visit the menu page of the Girard Gourmet website. 

Clothing – Lands' End

  • All students in Pre-Elementary through Grade 5 must wear a teal logo polo shirt during field trips.
  • A grey T-shirt is recommended for Physical Education classes for students in Elementary through Middle School.

Since September 2019, we have been happy to partner with Lands’ End, a provider of high-quality school clothing and spirit gear.

School Supplies Available on School Tool Box

Pre-packaged school supplies are available for purchase! Click here to order online today!