Originally from Vitré, a small town on the outskirts of Brittany (Ille-et-Vilaine), Hervé studied at the University of Villejean in Rennes where he obtained a degree in History. After working a few years in a car company, he began as a substitute teacher in 2001 before being admitted to the “CAER – CAPES Histoire et Géographie” in 2006. Over the years, he has gained solid experience in all levels of middle school. He has also worked in parallel with his profession as an assessor at the children’s court in Laval (Mayenne) for 8 years. A function that allowed him to participate in hearings alongside the children’s judge on issues of childhood and adolescence. Hervé loves to travel. He has visited many countries in Europe and has traveled to the East Coast of the United States in 2019. Discovering new cultures and meeting people from all over the world during these trips has helped to implement a dynamic teaching open to the world. In his spare time, he enjoys walking and hiking, reading novels and playing the guitar, especially the bass guitar. An instrument he practiced in a group of teachers with whom he performed in front of all the students at the end of the school year!
6550 Soledad Mountain Road
La Jolla, California 92037