Originally from Bordeaux, Murielle is French-American and she joined the teaching team of San Diego French-American School in 2009. She has been in charge of 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade. She has a Degree in Language Art and Modern Literature from the University of Dijon Bourgogne and earned the French elementary teaching Diploma with the Mission Laïque Française and the University of Caen (France). Before starting her teaching career, she worked as an activity coordinator for children’s summer programs in Italy, Switzerland, Greece, The Bahamas and Mexico. She then moved to the United States and began her teaching career at the Portland French School in Oregon. She moved on to teach at L’Ecole Française du Maine where she was a teacher and the curriculum coordinator for the pre-elementary and elementary grades. During her tenure in Maine, she taught Preschool, CP and CE1. Muielle loves travelling, hiking, walking on the beach and practicing yoga.
6550 Soledad Mountain Road
La Jolla, California 92037