
COVID-19 Updates

Responding to COVID-19:

Philosophy: Take into consideration with utmost respect the perspectives and opinions of every member of our school community, and notably find middle ground between risk-aversion and risk-tolerant community members. Be adaptable and make adjustments as deemed necessary based on evolving nature of the Covid-19 situation in our County. 

Guiding Principles:

  • Remain open using effective risk-mitigation policies, procedures, and protocols while at the same time maintaining a steadfast commitment to our school’s mission and core values
  • The health, safety, and wellbeing of students, employees, and families come first and are our top priority
  • Act, educate, and communicate with clarity, respect, and transparency. 
  • Be flexible, creative, adaptive.

Isolation (24 hrs), campus return requirements:

Any student or staff member diagnosed with COVID must remain in isolation for 24 hours. They may return to school without the need of a negative covid antigen test result as long as they have been fever-free for the last 24hrs without fever-reducing medications, their symptoms are mild, and their symptoms are improving.

Upon return they must wear a KN95 mask indoors through day 5 (excluding students less than 2 years old), and staff must eat lunch away from others. 

Physician’s note to return to Physical Education or Sports League:


It is recommended for all COVID-positive students grades 2 and up should to obtain a letter from their doctor officially clearing them to resume physical activity and Physical Education class. This is because there have been cases of cardiac events after students have been diagnosed with COVID due to vascular inflammation. 

Siblings who are immediate household members of any COVID positive individual:


The sibling who has a covid positive person living in their household may continue to attend school on campus. The sibling must wear a KN95 mask indoors for 5d following the start of the positive person’s illness course.


A “close contact” is a person who is determined to likely have been in proximity to a COVID-19 positive individual between the positive case’s symptom onset and until 24 hours have passed without fever without the use of fever reducing medication, and the contact: 


  1. Has shared the same airspace as a COVID-19 positive individual for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period; or 

  2. Had unprotected contact with the body fluids and/or secretions (including, but not limited to, being coughed on or sneezed on, sharing utensils, or drinking out of the same container) of a COVID-19 positive individual.


Close Contacts – STUDENTS

  • Students may continue to attend school on campus.
  • Students are strongly recommended to wear a KN95 mask indoors for 5d following the exposure (excludes students younger than 2 years old).
  • Students should conduct an at home antigen test now and 5d following the exposure.
  • Should they develop Covid symptoms at any time, they must test immediately, should go/stay home, and follow the SDFAS policy for symptomatic students. 


  • The student/staff member who has a covid positive person living in their household may continue to attend school on campus
  • The student/staff must wear a KN95 mask indoors for 5d following the start of the positive person’s illness course
  • The student/staff member should conduct an at home antigen test now and 5d following the exposure
  • Should they develop Covid symptoms at any time, they must test immediately, should go/stay home, and follow the SDFAS policy for symptomatic students/staff

Close Contacts – STAFF

  • Staff members may continue to work on campus.
  • Staff members should conduct an at home antigen test now and 5d following the exposure.
  • Staff members are strongly recommended to wear a KN95 mask indoors for 5d following the exposure per OSHA requirements.
  • Should they develop Covid symptoms at any time, they must test immediately, should go/stay home, and follow the SDFAS policy for symptomatic staff members 

Symptoms of COVID include: fever (temperature  ≥ 100.4F), cough, shortness of breath, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, new loss of taste/smell, new and unexplained headache, muscle or body aches, poor feeding or poor appetite.

Return to school clearance following symptoms requires the following:

  • The individual has been fever-free for 24hrs without medication that lowers a fever
  • It’s strongly recommended the individual wear a mask until day 5 after returning to school. 


CDC Respiratory Guidelines 

SDFAS is pleased to offer child and adult sized N95, KN95, surgical, and cloth masks for students and staff. 


Masks for Students/Staff: 

Masks are no longer required unless symptomatic or after a known exposure to a covid positive case. Please see and follow the recommended Respiratory Guidelines.  


Face coverings for students with medical conditions or disabilities

Students with medical conditions or disabilities that prevent them from being able to wear a mask will be provided with accommodations. This determination will be made on a case-by-case basis consistent with the School’s policy on reasonable accommodation of students. 

On campus testing is not allowable per CDPH regulations. Staff members are not permitted to conduct or interpret tests for students, and students are not allowed to self administer a test. Antigen covid tests are available at the front desk and in the health office for parents to conduct these tests on their students at home.

Students: Vaccination is strongly encouraged.

Covid vaccination for students is strongly encouraged and not mandatory. If you have questions regarding vaccine safety, please contact the school nurse to discuss the risks and benefits for your child. SDFAS reserves the right to revisit or change this possible at its sole discretion at any time. Covid Vaccine Webinar RECORDING: SDFAS held a webinar on Covid vaccine safety, efficacy, and Q&A for students ages 5-11, we have the full webinar recording here for you.

Employees: Vaccination is strongly encouraged.
The covid vaccine and boosters are strongly encouraged for all employees.
  • Windows and doors are open as much and as often as feasible
  • MERV 13 air filters installed in the air ducts
  • Lunch held outside school-wide and daily except in the event of rain

Events are allowed without restriction.

Visitors, volunteers, etc. are strongly encouraged to wear a mask indoors if symptomatic. See below for the vaccination policy for volunteers who are regularly on campus.

The below communications will be sent as soon as is feasibly possible, and in the following chronological order, dependent on the responsiveness of parents, contact tracing, and available information.

  1. Notification. Communication from the School to the positive COVID case and their parents/guardians as per below:
    1. If you receive a positive COVID test result for your child, please call the school immediately at 858-456-2807 and email the school nurse.
  2. Contact Tracing. Contact tracing will be conducted on an ongoing basis with the COVID positive student and their parents to determine the extent of any exposure ASAP, close contacts will be contacted as they are discovered through contact tracing.
  3. Communication #1: Containment. Parents of the COVID positive student will be asked to keep the student at home until they have completed their required isolation ASAP.
  4. Communication #2: Exposed Persons. An email will be sent to the exposed students/staff detailing instructions regarding testing and masking requirements.
  5. Reporting: County of San Diego Department of Public Health Services. If PK, also to CDSS community care licensing will be contacted by the School Nurse & Pandemic Coordinator in her role as Country liaison.

School Nurse & Pandemic Coordinator

The person responsible to implement and monitor this plan is: Marianella Vega, School Nurse and Pandemic Coordinator ( reachable by phone at 858-456-2807 ext 309. In her absence and in the following order:  Director of Campus Operations, Dean of Faculty, Dean of Curriculum, Division Directors, Director of Enrichment, Front Office Manager, Head of School, and Director of Finance. 

COVID-19 Response Team

The School Nurse & Pandemic Coordinator (designated SDFAS Liaison with local health authorities), Head of School, Director of Campus Operations, Division Directors, Director of Outreach Programs, and School Counselor, as members of the School’s COVID-19 Response Team, are together responsible for responding to COVID-19 concerns (and each authorized to act in the absence of the School Nurse & Pandemic Coordinator). As per above, staff, students, and parents will be instructed to contact them in the absence of the School Nurse and Pandemic Coordinator to consult, verify protocols and their implementation, or respond to any Covid issue that arises. 



  • Document and track potential exposures and positive cases
  • Conduct on-campus contact tracing
  • Notify local health officials and provide them with the requested information, including lists of names, contact information, school functions for staff as needed
  • Notify parents via school email communication as soon as is feasible and as detailed further below in this plan, if and when communication is warranted