
We’re grateful for our great representatives in our committees and task forces.

School Council / Conseil d’établissement

An important school wide assembly common to French and French-American schools, the School Council assembles three times a year, bringing together representatives from every constituency within the school community. At School Council meetings, feedback and questions are solicited in advance from each group, voiced and discussed. A designated topic is also addressed at each of the three council meetings each year (one per trimester).

  1. First Meeting (November): the Head of School debriefs back-to-school and first trimester, providing an overview of the school’s academic organization for the year (number and size of classes, staffing, facilities improvements, new or modified rules or protocols, and goals or themes for the year)
  2. Second Meeting (January): the annual calendar is approved for the year to come and pre-approved for two years out (first and last day of school, vacation dates, professional days)
  3. Third Meeting (May): the council discussed any proposed, suggested or considered changes to school rules or protocols.


  1. Professional Development Committee. Comprised of teachers and administrators, the members of this standing committee gather, discuss, suggest and professional growth and development requests, opportunities and initiatives as a function of available resources. The work is guided by the school’s current vision and direction as set forth in the school’s project d’établissement, strategic plan and annual professional development priorities as defined by the Head of School with input from teachers and academic administrators.
  2. Faculty-Admin Solutions Committee. Information sharing and two-way feedback between administration and faculty staff to address and solve issues, improve internal communication, and reflect upon ways to optimize the French-American experience for all constituencies.

Task Forces

  1. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Task Force. (1) What do we currently do well? How do we improve our school’s vision and culture in these areas? What are the school’s next important “first steps” toward a greater school-wide understanding of diversity, equity and inclusion? (2) The Task Force is challenged to craft a San Diego French-American School Diversity, Equity and Inclusion “Mission, Vision, and Values Statement” to guide our school moving forward as we engage in this important work. (3) By what means and in what prioritized order will we conduct a DEI audit for all major areas of functioning of the school (policies, practices, curriculum, …)? (4) How will the school cultivate a deepened climate of inclusivity and understanding, and encourage conversations around race, identity, and the lived experiences and perspectives of all people.
  2. Social and Emotional Learning. Discussing and assessing the best way to continue the work of implementing a school culture built around the RESPONSIVE CLASSROOM approach, in the wake of the program’s launch at San Diego French-American School beginning in the 2019–2020 school year.
  3. Student-Centered Teaching and Learning Task Force. What best practices are already in place at San Diego French-American School and how can we best share them with each other? What are best practices in teaching, learning, scheduling and assessment have yet to be considered and on-boarded at the school? How can student-centered teaching and learning practices be refined, enhanced and further implemented using the Responsive Classroom model? What kinds of additional workshops or experts are recommended for our teachers (e.g. bringing an expert trainer on the topic of differentiation or on the topic of assessment)
  4. STEAM integration Task Force. How can technological tools (hardware, software and online educational applications) be brought to bear to ensure high performance and achievement in online and hybrid teaching and learning? Survey what the school currently does with respect to technology integration into the curriculum, beyond coding and robotics alone. What are the best ways to ensure ongoing professional growth and development for faculty and staff to gain deepened professional with educational technology by leveraging expertise that we already have in house. In what ways can existing and newly acquired San Diego French-American School technology tools (3D printer, laser cutter, Virtual Reality masks + learning applications, etc.) be integrated into the curriculum in different subject areas or through cross-curricular projects, electives and/or clubs.
  5. Service-learning Task Force. Take inventory as concerns what the school currently does and has done in the past with respect to service learning and community service of all types at all grade levels (e,g. Thanksgiving Food Drive, Jog-a-thon, Blankids, Emiline Project for Haïti, etc.). Brainstorm possible projects by division or grade level and propose projects. Determine and propose to the administration and head of school a future vision for a progressively implemented co-curricular program sequence PK–8.