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Faculty Feature: Shanon Mazeaud

We’re kicking off the first week of April by featuring one of our talented and compassionate Kindergarten teachers, Shanon Mazeaud! Shanon has worked with the SDFAS team for over three years and teaches with versatile methods to create a holistic and dynamic classroom. With 17 years of teaching experience under her belt, Shanon confidently commands her classroom with ease and caters to every students’ learning styles by incorporating outdoor lessons and activities, flexible seating, and kinetic activities to encourage movement.


At a young age, Shanon attended L’Ecole Bilingue de Paris, an American immersion school, before moving to the United States at age 11. This experience allows her to resonate and identify with her students, which builds individual relationships full of support and empathy. Prior to pursuing a career path in teaching, she worked as a snowboarding instructor – a skill she’s honed from spending time in the Alps.


In the 17 years she’s been a teacher, Shanon claims the most rewarding experience she’s had with children is seeing their kindness blossom in the classroom by observing their interactions and witnessing the compliments they’ve expressed to one another.
Shanon is a proud mother of three boys, two of whom currently attend SDFAS (Pre K, 3rd
Grade, and an SDFAS alumnus who is now in high school). She believes the values SDFAS has instilled in her family play a core role in presenting them as a strong family unit.
At the moment, she is conducting an Artist Series in her classroom, where she explores different artists with her students (pictured below).