6th and 7th Graders Showcase French Lit Project-Based Learning

This week, I meant to include a picture or two while extolling the projects Mme Toudic’s French class have undertaken. What can I say, it was hard to cull just a few examples when there were so many interesting projects to display! The students did great work and the 6th grade dioramas were on display for the whole school to see.

“I strongly believe that project based learning in literature is the best way to keep students engaged in reading books and building up a lasting literary culture,” says Mme Toudic, “I think this activity was a great success!”

6th Graders have been reading adventure novels based on castaways stories, such as Vendredi ou la Vie Sauvage by Michel Tournier and Le Royaume de Kensuké by Michael Morpurgo. They created dioramas to present these books in a fun and creative way.

Each box includes quotes, students’ opinion about their chosen novel, six images or objects, five key words, five emotions, and a summary of a passage. They could be as creative as they wanted.

“The 7th Grade reading journals are based on the same idea. Students delve into a project that they end up owning and accomplishing for themselves, not for the teacher or a grade. They each created a journal they want to keep because they are proud of it,” Mme Toudic continued. “In the end the goal is the same: using engaging projects to ensure students love reading. I was very impressed with the quality of both the 7th graders reading journals and the 6th graders Castaway Dioramas – we clearly have very talented students at SDFAS!”

Il n’y a aucun doute. Merci à Mme Toudic pour toutes les photos et les projets stimulants!